
لـ Android Yol Nişanları - Sürücülük İmta

  • المجاني

  • باللغة عربي
  • V 1.7
  • 4.1

  • حالة الأمان

تقييم Softonic

علامات الطريق التركية - اختبار القيادة: دليل شامل لعلامات الطريق التركية

يول نيشانلاري - سوروجولوك إمتا is an Android app that serves as a comprehensive guide to Turkish road signs. This app is designed to help users learn and understand the various road signs in Turkey. It features an interactive game-like interface that makes learning about road signs fun and engaging.

The app covers a wide range of road signs, including information signs, regulatory signs, warning signs, and more. It also includes a "Do not know" section where users can save the signs they are unsure of and come back to them later. Additionally, the app allows users to add their favorite road signs to a "Favorites" section for easy access.

يول نيشانلاري - سوروجولوك إمتا is an ideal app for anyone who wants to learn about Turkish road signs. It is easy to use, informative, and free to download from the Google Play Store. If you have any suggestions or feedback, you can send them through the app's "Request" section.

البرامج المتاحة بلغات أخرى

لـ Android Yol Nişanları - Sürücülük İmta

  • المجاني

  • باللغة عربي
  • V 1.7
  • 4.1

  • حالة الأمان

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